MG Car Club

Washington, D.C. Centre

2023 Hunt Country Classic

Stay tuned, we’re pulling together all the best pictures, and other content from the recently concluded 2023 Hunt Country Classic!


  • – This is a Popular Vote car show. Judging/balloting was conducted by the other registrants.
  • – All registered vehicles were placed in a class of similar vehicles for judging and award purposes.
  • – Awards given depend on the number of participants in each class.
    • Honorable Mention Ribbon: Only 1 car registered in class
    • 1st Place: at least 2 cars in class
    • 1st & 2nd: at least 4 cars in class
    • – 1st, 2nd & 3rd: at least 6 cars in class.
  • Voting occurred throughout the day, and was tabulated just prior to the awards.

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